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OHAN (Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods)  is an umbrella organization of neighborhoods founded in 1985 to enhance and preserve the quality of life in Oak Hill and its surrounding communities.  All OHAN members  reside in the region shown on the OHAN Geographical Region Map.


OHAN'S Purpose


OHAN provides a forum within which Oak Hill and its surrounding communities can identify, discuss, and provide input about


  • regional issues that affect our community;

  • ways to best manage growth to enhance the quality of life and opportunities offered to all who live within our community;

  • public services to and facilities within our community;

  • ways to best improve transportation resources, including roadways and public transportation;

  • ways to best preserve and enhance our community’s public parks and recreation facilities

  • education- and school-related issues that affect our community; andï‚·

  • ways to best preserve, protect, and manage natural resources and wildlife within our community.


OHAN Benefits


Through monthly meetings, dialog, presentations, and public correspondence which includes resolutions, letters, and representation at public meetings, OHAN provides significant input to many regional organizations while neither supporting any political party nor endorsing any political candidate.  These organizations include property developers, Austin City Planning Commission, Staff, Council, and Police and Fire Departments, Texas Department of Transportation, Travis County officials, EMS, governmental bodies, and elected officials.  Through its membership, OHAN strengthens and preserves regional neighborhood associations and the relationships and bonds among them.


OHAN Membership


Want to learn about the status of the Highway 290 West project, SH45, MOPAC, and Oak Hill Bike Trails?  How are your tax dollars being spent?  The member neighborhoods discuss these and many other important issues affecting the way of life in Oak Hill.  To see details on becoming a member organization,  please click on

Upcoming Events

OHAN Membership Meeting

Wednesday, September 14, 7PM

Austin Community College - Pinnacle

10th Floor

7748 US 290 West

Austin, Texas 78736


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Oak Hill NBHD Planning Team Website

Click on the OHNPCT (Oak Hill Neighborhood Planning Contact Team) Web Site button below to access the Oak Hill Combined NBHD Plan, The FLUM (Future Land Use Map), City of Austin zoning and associated sites, and an iteractive tool to investigate all zoning profiles within the city.


To take a survey about NBHD plan priotities, click on East Oak Hill Survey or West Oak Hill Survey.

Additional Outreach for Mopac Study

In response to community feedback for additional public involvement, the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority extended the MoPac South Environmental Study process to allow for additional community input and engineering analysis on the project. The Mobility Authority will hold an additional Open House in late summer and will extend the study's time frame by up to six months.

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